Week 3: Backhands

In week 3, we switched our focus from forehands and rallying to backhands, continuing our progression towards mastering every aspect of our tennis repertoire. Building on the foundation laid in previous weeks, our emphasis pivoted to refining the technique and execution of the two-handed backhand stroke. We began by emphasizing the correct grip and stance. These are two crucial elements for generating power and control in the backhand swing. It was impressive to witness how quickly they learned and were able to hit the ball cleanly. This rapid transition not only showcased their understanding of the fundamentals but also their enthusiasm to apply what they had learned in practical situations.

Throughout the week, we look to structure our sessions with engaging games and specific objectives aimed at reinforcing their backhand abilities. Challenges such as sustaining long rallies or hitting accurately into designated areas such as knocking over a bucket, hitting it into a circle of cones, or through a net target. Giving children a goal to work towards keeps them more engaged and motivated to succeed. We hope these activities will improve their consistency and accuracy as well as refine their technique to allow them to integrate the backhand into their overall game.


Week 2: Rallying